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How to boost study motivation and spark learning joy

Boost study learning motivation
Boost study learning motivation

How to boost study motivation and spark learning joy?

Everyone can do with a spark of joy and this is especially true for students of online learning who for many can lose their learning joy or motivation to keep going. So, can you gain some joy from the tidy queen’s tips for boosting productivity and keeping things decluttered and streamlined?

“Tidying is this hugely intimate, personal conversation with yourself about who you are right now, what you love, what matters to you.”

Let’s digest Marie Kondo’s Top 5 Productivity Tips to help de-clutter your study routine and spark learning joy.


how to boost study motivation

How to spark learning joy
How to spark learning joy

 Kondo’s Top 5 Productivity Tips to spark Learning Joy

It’s exciting to start a a new course and follow through your New Year’s resolution of learning a new skill or gaining a qualification to better yourself and your life, and just when you think you’re ready to start studying, all sorts of distractions like family or personal commitments, unexpected life challenges pop up, work load becomes more demanding and before you know it, your study routine is a mess even before you’ve had a chance to establish one.

Does this sound like something you’re going through?

Well, the way Marie Kondo likes to optimise productivity is to think about how you want to spend your time in years, quarters, months, weeks and to finally break it down to a daily routine. This way of thinking helps Kondo to align her time with priorities at particular points in her life.

Kondo’s goal is to utilise her time as efficiently as possible so she can spend more time with her children. This goal can certainly be applied to students whose aim ultimately is to utilise time as efficiently as possible. A ritual of  allocating time slots across life categories of Study, Family, Work and Personal areas to achieve balance and harmony is so refreshing and joyful.

A ritual of allocating time slots across life categories of Study, Family, Work and Personal areas to achieve balance and harmony is so refreshing and joyful. #study #timemanagement #productivity #learningtips @NatCollegeAus

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1.Start your day with positive energy

Kondo likes to start her day with a ritual of rising early at 6am, air the house by opening up windows to let fresh air in and burn incense. The simple but consistent routine helps to keep her focused and on track for the day.

A good tip students can take from this is to have a clear routine planned out.

Know what you need to get done for the day and be precise on how much time should be spent across the 4 categories of Study, Family, Work and Personal every day, and wake up with a bounce knowing exactly how to spark joy with enthusiasm and feeling of satisfaction.

Wake up with a bounce knowing exactly how to spark joy with enthusiasm and feeling of satisfaction. #positivenergy #routine @NatCollegeAus

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2. Go through a Daily To-Do List

Before you start your day, run through your tasks for the day, that is, confirm your daily routine and be sure about how much time should be allocated to the various life categories. Kondo likes to include everything on her To-Do list including simple things like laundry chores to answering emails.

Another tip for students is be methodological about things.

Once a task is done, mark it off from your list. This way, as Kondo says, you feel an enormous sense of accomplishment, and this is priceless when maintaining your motivation level to keep going.

"By being surrounded only by the things that spark joy, your life naturally begins to achieve clarity.”

"By being surrounded only by the things that spark joy, your life naturally begins to achieve clarity.” #elearning #sparkjoy #studytips @NatCollegeAus

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3.Plan with your Partner

Kondo says ‘sharing and discussing to-do lists is a productive habit for partners’. This piece of advice is so important for students who are married or are in a relationship with a partner as most students who are in a relationship find it difficult to balance work, family and study time harmoniously.

How great would it be if partners understood the time commitment that is required for their spouses to study, and they help to share family and work commitments with each other to help spark learning  joy for their student partner.

A key take-out is to maintain a open line of communication with family or with partners and help each other out with their respective commitments. By thinking and behaving this way, it not only sparks joy for their relationship but strengthens respect and family happiness. This helps to declutter your personal life to stay focused on your tasks with joy and refreshed energy.

Maintain a open line of communication with family or with partners and help each other out with their respective commitments. #onlinelearning #familyjoy #elearning @NatCollegeAus

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4.Clear Your Mind

This is one of my favourite tips. What does Marie Kondo do to untangle feelings of worry or anxiety? She likes to write things down on a blank piece of paper everything that is on her mind. This process helps to clarify the things that can and cannot be controlled. 

Students who face similar feelings of 'things are getting out of control' can try taking some time out to clear their thoughts. This can be of enormous help to declutter your mind, and re-spark the joy for learning. It’s good to know even the ‘tidy queen’ goes through moments of feeling lost and vulnerable but the key difference is knowing how to get yourself out of the messy situation.

If you get stuck or feel burnt, remove yourself from studying and go and do something that you enjoy to clear your mind. Kondo likes to forget about everything and keep her hands busy by tidying, which helps her mind find stillness.

Remove yourself from studying and go and do something that you enjoy to clear your mind. #onlinelearning #Clearyourmind #elearning @NatCollegeAus

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5.Create an Evening Routine

Marie Kondo keeps to a nightime routine to spend quality time with her children. As she has a ritual she follows every night, she just goes into automatic mode, and enjoys her evening time doing the things she enjoys. The same approach can be taken up by students as well.

Getting yourself into a rhythm can help to manage your time effectively across your study, family and personal time. Consult your daily To-Do list and see what’s left to do. Spend the time getting them done, and when completed, spend the rest of the evening on family and personal time to relax and spark family and personal joy.

What are some of the ways you spark learning joy? Share with us!

To Read Marie Kondo’s Full Article, please ​CLICK HERE

Getting yourself into a rhythm can help to manage your time effectively across your study, family and personal time. #onlinelearning #priorlearning #qualification @NatCollegeAus

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